Thursday 10 September 2020 at 9.00 pm
Il Maggiore Theatre | VERBANIA

Qui e Ora Residenza Teatrale
TRE_quanto vale un essere umano?

➣ Duration 60’ | ➣ Buy your ticket online


TRE It’s a performance that stems from a few questions: Who do we think we are? Who are we? Who do we want to be? What value do we place on the body? What are our values? What is a human being worth? THREE is a number, a value that contains one and two. THREE are the actresses on stage 3 is icon THREE is the perfect, lucky and evil number Three is the quiz envelope: one? Two? 3? THREE is a show born before the pandemic, remained as the whole world suspended and that in June started living again. Together with SIlvia Gribaudi we asked ourselves how to bring attention to the value of the choices that each of us makes: how do we select the things and people around us? Our eyes, our brain make an accurate selection according to our personal tastes, our emotions, our experience… How much are we influenced by images? By stereotypes? From the outside that surrounds us? How do we look at the 3 actresses on stage? How do we listen to them? What do we look at? Do we like the show? Do we like the show or not? Why? How much is an actor worth? How much is a character worth?How much is the audience worth? How much is it worth to choose?

Search materials: Francesca Albanese, Silvia Baldini, Silvia Gribaudi, Laura Valli
With: Francesca Albanese, Silvia Baldini, Laura Valli
Direction: Silvia Gribaudi, Matteo Maffesanti
Dramaturgical Collaboration: Marta Dalla Via
Production: Qui e Ora Residenza Teatrale e Zebra
With the support of: MIBACT

Qui e Ora operates nationally and internationally with production of shows, organization of exhibitions, workshops and theatrical investigations. It is a production company, works on autograph dramaturgy and loves to confront and collaborate with other artists to give life to its works. The desire is that the artistic core, the poetic visions, the bodies of Qui e Ora react to other languages and poetic imagery. It happened with Elena Bucci, Aldo Cassano, Silvia Gribaudi and the Fratelli Dalla Via.Qui e Ora realizes the artistic work in a strong encounter with the contemporary, with people and communities that bear points of view related to the territory, they build their productions together with other artists of the contemporary scene. #TRE sees the synergy of Silvia Gribaudi and Marta Dalla Via (directors of the last two productions of Qui e Ora) to illuminate body and words.