DIORAMA is part of CRISOL – creative processes, a project for the internationalisation of creative processes creative funded under the Boarding Pass Plus 2022-24 promoted by MiC Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali in Italy

The CRISOL project, established in 2019 under the auspices of Factory Europe and with the participation of 9 international partners, is an ambitious effort to promote intercultural dialogue through the arts. Crisol aims to subvert traditional conceptions of space and landscape through transnational co-creations, serving as a bridge between different cultural approaches. It aims to create new perspectives through shared artistic experiences. In the context of Crisol, Diorama emerges as a project that embodies this bold vision. Curated by Antonella Cirigliano, Diorama is an immersive artistic experience that fuses dance, performance and digital installations. Six talented dancers from places such as Taipei, Guangzhou, Singapore and Italy come together to become co-creators in this adventure. Led by Singaporean choreographer and playwright Daniel Kok, they will explore the concept of “diorama,” a miniature representation of an environment or scenario. Through Diorama, artistic perspectives merge, bringing to the forefront new ways of perceiving and interacting with scenic creations. Digital installations and visual experiments will help redefine the relationship between audience and performance, opening the door to new interpretations and sensations. This project involves the Italian Ministry of Culture and features the collaboration of Stella & Artists, Macau CDES, Dance Nucleus of Singapore, and the National Arts Council of Singapore, with valuable support from the Italian Cultural Institute of Hong Kong. Diorama is a fascinating example of how art can cross geographic and cultural boundaries, uniting creative minds in a dance of innovation and inspiration.

Co-Creation Roberta Racis (Italy), Olimpia Fortuni (Italy), Fabio Novembrini (Italy), Albert Garcia (Macao/Taiwan), Jereh Leung (Singapore), Er Gao (China)
Mentorship Daniel Kok (Singapore)
Curatorship and Video Creation Antonella Cirigliano and Federico Torre (Italy)
A collaboration with Macao CDES, Stella & Artists (Macao), Dance Nucleus (Singapore), National Arts Council Singapore, CROSS Project (Italy), Hong Kong Dance Exchange, New Dance for Asia – NDA, Cont·act Contemporary Dance Festival, SAI Dance Festival, Shinehouse Theatre (Taiwan), Instituto Cultural
A co-production of Italian Cultural Institute Hong Kong

This current constellation of artists comprises of 6 artists from Italy and Asia – Albert Garcia (Taipei/Macao), Roberta Racis (Rome), Er Gao (Guangzhou), Fabio Novembrini (Florence), Jereh Leung (Singapore), and Olimpia Fortuni (Milan), with artist and artistic director of Dance Nucleus (Singapore) Daniel Kok as dramaturg and facilitator.